Lajja Diaries – An ecosystem of women, for women

Lajja Diaries was conceived on the mornful 2nd Anniversary of the horrific Nirbhaya rape case. Now after 7 years of mighty struggle, Lajja Diaries attempts to integrate the efforts and operations on ground, on the Digital platform With a new name: “Lajja Foundation”

Lajja started as an online platform, to felicitate the gender discourse on Feminism and Women Rights in India, and went viral soon after. Lajja Diaries has a community of over 24,000 women, following us online and the foundation collaborates with various NGOs across India: to create a strong network to move fast from awareness to counsel, and further extending support.
The Lajja Team considers that “wakefulness is the key to change” and takes on issues and cases all across the country. The team aims to change convictions for the better, so that the women could march towards attaining an equal respect in the society today, than what they had, yesterday.

“Shed the Shame and Share because real violence is in your silence” is what Lajja Diaries, an innovative digital platform for women empowerment truly believes in, and the very belief is the cornerstone of the organisation. We are guided by the conviction that listening to stories and telling the stories of women’s personal battles, is a small yet important step — to be able to be recognized as equals, as well as changing the narrative of their story by giving them adequate support.

Team Lajja has so far managed to create a strong community of women across India, an ecosystem that inspires each other to build a more gender equal society in India. Team Lajja supports women’s human rights in India, and runs various urban as well as rural projects on a case to case basis, taking one stride at a time. Over the years, it has collected strong case studies of the lives– that have been impacted as a result of the efforts put in by the team.
Lajja is working towards realizing a paradigm shift of perspectives by encouraging women to stop pushing women’s issues in India under the rug and instead to openly acknowledge them, so that the shame and blame is apportioned to the perpetrator,instead of the cultural diktat of questioning the victim.
Lajja Foundation is enabling and creating an ecosystem that allows:

Two Pillars of Lajja:

Lajja Foundation is an entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women in India. It works in India to make the vision of gender equality a reality, for women and girls and stands behind women’s equal participation in all aspects of life, focusing on two pillars:


Lajja Foundation is driven by the vision of an India where all women – in particular women from the underprivileged background – enjoy full citizenship, earn a livelihood with dignity and generate wealth and value for all. We imagine making gender equality a reality in India and to slowly generate awareness about the age-old customs which are irrelevant in today’s world.


Lajja Foundation’s mission is to provide resources to the poor women with information and skills to excel in their lives as professionals and entrepreneurs, which could enable them earn a “livelihood with dignity” — in jobs and in the market, that had traditionally been barred to them.

We believe that when women are socially and economically empowered, they become powerful catalysts of change – not just in their own lives, but also within their families and thereby communities.

We work with resource-poor women to enable them to:

Team Lajja believes that gender equality is not only a basic human right, but also has enormous socio-economic ramifications. Empowering women fuels thriving economies, thereby spurring economic productivity and growth for the country as well. Yet gender inequalities remain deeply entrenched within communities in India. Women lack access to decent work and face occupational segregation and gender wage gaps. They are too often denied access to even basic education and health care. Women in all parts of India suffer violence and discrimination. Team Lajja takes on cases to enable change at the micro level. 

Working for the empowerment and rights of women and girls in India, Lajja Foundation aims to create a more equitable society.